David Bernal + photo

David Bernal

Jan 3
2 min read
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One cup intuition, two scoops creativity, and a bucket full of fun, there is so much more that goes into hydroponic sprouting than just seeds and water. Ask anyone with a green thumb and they’ll tell you gardening is as much art and intuition as it is discipline or science.

Countertop seed sprouting is certainly no different. Even those in the hard sciences such as medicine, physics, or mathematics will argue that their fields require as much artistry and imagination as anything else.

As a natural and crude product of nature, seeds are liable to the same abnormalities and uncertainties that we find in genetics, people, weather, and even natural disasters. We humans do our best to live safe from earthquakes, yet have failed to predict a single one. And while seed traits such as days to germination and harvest dates can offer more predictability than an earthquake, there are still many variables that affect even the tiniest seed from sprouting.
sprouted seeds illustrations

This New Year, we invite you to explore our growing selection of non-GMO Organic sprouting seeds and their preferred sprouting methods that you’ll no doubt encounter as you journey into the world of hydroponics. Not only will you learn the seeds’ very different personalities but you may also see a bit of yourself reflected in the process such as which seeds, methods, and flavors you prefer. Are you patient? Bitter? Spicy?

The art of hydroponic seed sprouting is cleaner, faster, and easier than soil-based microgreens and one of the healthiest ways you could hope to begin the 2022 New Year!

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Barbara Monty

Why do my seeds, particularly the wheat grass trays get moldy? thanks


It’s probable that it’s not mold. Some sprouts such as broccoli get little white hair like growths on the roots. When rinsed, they come right off. Sprouts should be rinsed twice a day. Maybe give it another try?

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